Discord Software Engineer Intern

Discord Software Engineer Intern. My AP CS A class interviewing a software engineer at Discord (a former student), Aaron Suarez. Apply to Student Intern, Operations Associate, Pastor and more!

Linto Mathew - Design And Development Engineer - Siemens ...
Linto Mathew - Design And Development Engineer - Siemens ... (George Robbins)

Discord is a small group of passionate gamers whose mission is to bring people together around games. Software engineers (AKA software developers) are in-demand, highly-paid, and usually enjoy an incredible work-life balance. Staff Machine Learning Engineer - Anti Abuse.

You will take product ideas around discoverability and acquisition of content and bring them to life.

Although Discord was initially built for gamers, it grew and people from all walks of life started using it to empower their connectivity.

Goldman Sachs Software Engineer Intern Reddit - WERSHIFT

Featured Internships - Nestria

Welcome! [lienne.github.io]

Nischal Dutt - Software Engineer - GeekyAnts | LinkedIn


Linto Mathew - Design And Development Engineer - Siemens ...

From Beginner To Pro - Data Structures & Algorithms - The ...

Reza Dehkordi - Graduate Teaching Assistant - Department ...

Felix Guo - Software Engineer - Citadel Securities | LinkedIn

Discord is a VoIP, instant messaging and digital distribution platform designed for creating communities. Staff Machine Learning Engineer - Anti Abuse. One of those communities is obviously the developer's.
